Thursday, July 23, 2009


I have made an awesome recent discovery! I have found The Prepared Pantry. My mother in law has been talking about it for a while now. She made this delicious breakfast using some of a prepared mix she bought there. It was so much fun though. I went to a class last night where they showed us how to make Italian Nachos (which were delicious) and I just thought I better add a link to their fun site! They have a ton of cool kitchen things- I could have spent hours browsing. They also had a bunch of really cool mixes and jams and syrups. It was pretty fun!

Here is a link for the Pannekoeken:
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1 comment:

Leslie said...

So now I'm waiting for this Italian Nachos recipe... it sounds delicious! I love the prepared pantry website already and i just checked it out!