Monday, August 16, 2010

Catherine's Chicken Fajitas

My sister-in-law made these INCREDIBLE Chicken Fajitas after a long day, and they seriously tasted amazing. The recipe is quite basic, but the chicken was so tender and man- with a little cheese, sour cream or ranch on top... oh- it is making my mouth water!

Catherine's Chicken Fajitas
1 lb chicken breast, cut into bite size pieces
olive oil (for cooking in)
1-2 tsp garlic powder
sliced carrots
sliced bell peppers
sliced onion
1/2 packet of fajita seasoning
1 can chicken broth
tortilla shells
ranch or sour cream

Season chicken pieces in garlic powder and salt. In a frying pan, cook chicken in oil. Add about half a packet of fajita seasoning, stir into chicken, and then add all the veggies and a can of chicken broth and let it simmer until veggies are tender. Serve on a tortilla shell with desired toppings.
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