Sunday, May 2, 2010

Fish 'n Chips with Dip

One of my favorite things ever is homemade deep fried french fries. (I'm talkin' greasy!) And as if that's not enough, you have to dunk them in fatty fry sauce. It takes a good week for your body to recover, but it is heavenly! Is this sounding a little "Eat Drink and be Merryish?" Sorry, but do! Ok- you can't have these every night... or it might really be your last, if you know what I mean, but once in a while, we really like to make a mess in the kitchen and this is a good one for that. :) We just like to peel them, slice 'em up, deep fry them for about 10 minutes ish, and sprinkle with season salt. Perfect goodness!

I was shocked to find a lack of REAL fry sauce outside the state of Utah and Idaho! They served it by the tub full during our school lunches. I think it originated with Arctic Circle... and it is just a crying shame that it hasn't caught on. Once you dip the fry in this, you will be hunting for it, and disappointed at nearly every fast-food joint in town! This is TOO good to be kept secret! WORLD-- here it is! My all-time favorite thing to drench fries in... (Here is how I make it.)

Homemade Fry Sauce (Lyd's Original)
1 cup Mayo
1/2 cup ketchup
1 T mustard (or less according to preference)

Stir mixture together until blended and serve with fries. (I love to dip my fish sticks in it too! Or pretty much anything. :)
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