Oh- comfort food! I love anything pudding and anything crock-pot, so together... a beautiful marriage for me! I remembered making a really big batch of rice pudding in the crock-pot several years back and I just loved it- so I returned to the same book hunting for the recipe, but I don't think I found it. It was still a good batch though- I kind of liked the lemon flavor (probably in part because I think some of my unusual spices and extracts get lonely, so I love an excuse to dust them off) and how could adding cream not be a good idea?! The texture was a little different- the rice might have need a bit more time, but still tasty and it sure smelled good while it was cooking!
Mama's Rice Pudding (From Fit-it and Forget-it Cookbook)
1/2 cup white rice uncooked
1/2 cup sugar
1 tsp vanilla
1 tsp lemon extract
1 cup plus 2 T milk
1 tsp butter
2 eggs beaten
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 cup raisins
1 cup whipping cream
nutmeg to taste
1. Combine all ingredients except whipping cream and nutmeg in slow cooker. Stir well.
2. Cover pot. Cook on Low 6-7 hours, until rice is tender and milk absorbed. Be sure to stir every 2 hours during cooking.
3. Pour into bowl. Cover with plastic wrap and chill.
4. Before serving, fold in whipped cream and sprinkle with nutmeg.